
knowing the difference between what is important and what is not says a lot about someone's character. but choosing to focus on the important instead of the other is what builds character. it's always easy to judge and say that you're going to choose the right path and make the right decisions but when it comes down to it - choosing to put your needs in front of your wants isn't so easy.

everything in life is important but there are those that mean that much more and that's the difference between need and want. wants are the desires you have that are not necessary to go on in life and need is self explanatory.

now, i'm not here to judge, but i know a lot of people in my life - myself included - that puts wants over needs without a second thought. we live in a selfish world, where we all have dreams and desires that, we feel, just have to come to fruition. i'm not different.

like everyone else, i have dreams and ambitions but life isn't always so rosy and doesn't work out so perfectly. things get in the way beyond your own control and situations come up that cause roadblocks on your way to fulfilling what you want.

the way i see it is: the bigger the roadblock you overcome, the stronger and more motivated you become to get what you want. at least that's what i want to keep saying to myself.

you can bitch and moan and get stuck in your roadblock or you can get over it, deal with what you need to and never give up on what you want.

xoxo Kalena []